Mani Kiran Nalabolu

ISTP -- Tech enthusiast

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

This is a simple REST API with node and express with typescript
TypeScript 69 9
Simple Vpn app concept UI done in Flutter.
playwright for scrapping and UI testing / automate testing workflows
JavaScript 8 1
This is to give a demo of each feature that are there in ionic and ionic-native
TypeScript 4 0
Movie Details App with Angular and TheMovieDB API
TypeScript 3 4
Blood Donation App Concept made in flutter
Dart 3 0
RSS Feed reader with Vue.js and Vuetify
This site will provide stats relate to corona-virus cases, information that WHO provided to fight against covoid19 in pictorial representation, symptoms checklist and many more
Simple Flutter Weather App UI
Dart 1 0

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.